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Hot Springs Technology Institute

The Arkansas Education Technology Conference Built by Educators, for Educators

Tuesday Pre-Conference Workshops


This session will be held Tuesday, June 11th, during the first half of the day.  Price: Free with any paid registration to either conference or pre-conference Description:     9:AM - 10:15:AM  -

1211 – Cybersecurity: Vulnerability Management (HALF DAY - AFTERNOON)

How to establish a vulnerability management program. Not only does this mean how to scan your network for vulnerabilities, but also the strategy that is involved in implementing a scanner. The scanner

1212 – Cybersecurity: Log Collection and Notification (HALF DAY - AFTERNOON)

Will be looking at the abilities of Graylog to store event logs as well as alerting on suspicious problems

1213 –Cybersecurity: Network Analysis with Wireshark (HALF DAY - AFTERNOON)

This class will explore Cybersecurity Network Analysis concepts using the Wireshark tool.  This is a hands-on training

1214 – Cybersecurity: Firewall Audit (HALF DAY - AFTERNOON)

A recommended security control is to monitor and audit you network and firewall configurations.  This session will help you work through your current firewall configuration to remove unwanted or out o

1215 – Cybersecurity - Live Incident Response (Cyber Range Mission 2)

1216 – Cybersecurity: Securing your VLANs with ACLs (HALF DAY - AFTERNOON)

Securing VLANs with Access Control Lists (ACLs) involves setting up rules to filter traffic entering or leaving specific VLANs based on criteria like IP addresses, port numbers, and protocols.  This w

1217 – Gamify Your Tabletop Exercises (HALF DAY - AFTERNOON)

Come learn how to play Backdoors & Breaches, an incident response card game created by Black Hills Information Security and Antisyphon Training to help information security professionals learn cyberse