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Bridging the Gap: Enabling High-End Application Streaming on Low-Cost Student Devices

Posted Date: 05/22/2024

Bridging the Gap: Enabling High-End Application Streaming on Low-Cost Student Devices

Presenter – ITOPIA

This session will focus on iTopia's powerful application streaming platform, designed to enhance Career and Technical Education (CTE) learning in schools. Our platform enables students to access more than 130 intensive applications, including GPU-intensive program suites like Adobe, AutoDesk, and Project Lead the Way, on low-cost devices, extending access to CTE curriculum and maximizing 1:1 initiatives.
With iTopia's solution, schools can upgrade their computer labs at a fraction of the cost, making high-end applications accessible to all students. The platform can be easily and quickly implemented in schools, with the ability to roll it out in as little as one day. Our intuitive interface makes it easy for both teachers and IT staff to use and manage the platform without the need for application updating and patching across CTE labs. Schools can reduce their IT workload and enjoy a flat-rate, predictable pricing model that's specifically designed for education.

Join us in this session to learn more about how iTopia's application streaming platform can revolutionize CTE learning in your school district. Our solution makes it possible to access high-end applications on low-cost devices, enabling students to collaborate and learn from anywhere. Whether you're looking to upgrade your computer labs or extend access to CTE applications, iTopia has the solution you need to enhance your school's CTE program.